If you are joining this discussion for the first time, please read this first:
Welcome to the Coherence Therapy discussion group. This forum is intended solely for practitioners and students of psychotherapy or coaching who wish to deepen their understanding of Coherence Therapy. It is not for those seeking psychotherapy. No part of this discussion should be taken as psychotherapeutic or coaching advice.
All questions, answers, thoughts and comments are welcome assuming they are pertinent to the subject matter and respectful of colleagues. This discussion is moderated. Inappropriate submissions will be blocked or removed.
This group is neither closed nor confidential so please do not share personal information pertaining to actual clients, even if identifying information has been removed.
You can either start a brand new discussion thread or respond to an existing thread regarding a specific Coherence Therapy tutorial or the subject of Coherence Therapy in general.
“Beginner” questions and comments are all welcome so if you are not expert in Coherence Therapy, please do not hesitate to post !
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