Coherence Therapy was developed by Bruce Ecker, LMFT and Laurel Hulley, MA. The official website of Coherence Therapy is that of the Coherence Psychology Institute:
Brief Introduction:
The following brief description of Coherence Therapy is a synthesis of quotes from
Coherence Therapy is a unified set of methods and concepts for individual, couple and family work that enable a therapist to foster profound change with a high level of consistency.
From the first session, the work is focused on guiding clients to get in touch with hidden, core areas of meaning and feeling that are generating the presenting symptom or problem. Coherence Therapy makes use of native capacities for swiftly retrieving and then transforming the client's unconscious, symptom-requiring emotional schemas, which were formed adaptively earlier in life.
A wide range of symptoms can be dispelled … along with their associated, less visible emotional wounds, attachment patterns and troubled “parts". The process is experiential and the therapist's empathic attunement is a crucial ingredient.
Live and Online Coherence Therapy Introductory Workshop
March 15 and 16, 2025
Coherence Therapy Co-Founder Bruce Ecker, LMFT speaking on “Memory Reconsolidation: Key to Transformational Change in Psychotherapy” (permission for use granted by the Coherence Psychology Institute)
Introductory Video Tutorials:
Former trainer for the Coherence Psychology Institute Niall Geoghegan, Psy.D. explains the basic concepts and terminology of Ecker and Hulley’s Coherence Therapy, with examples.
Niall Geoghegan, Psy.D. expands on some of the core concepts of CT theory, as well as basic principles of what causes deep permanent change to occur within the brain.
Niall Geoghegan, Psy.D. introduces a case example to show how the CT therapist uses experiential techniques to discover the emotional logic, or emotional truth of the presenting symptom.
Niall Geoghegan, Psy.D. completes the case example to show how the therapist helps the client integrate and transform newfound emotional truths through a process called “experiential mismatch” or “juxtaposition”
Interactive Course 100: Discovering & Verbalizing Unconscious Emotional Truth Bruce Ecker, LMFT demonstrates the 1st phase of CT, creating discovery experiences that make sense of the presenting symptom. (cost: $19.50)
Interactive Course 700: Transformation of Core Emotional Schemas. A series of video segments spanning ten sessions shows the full methodology of Coherence Therapy. The therapist is Bruce Ecker, LMFT. (cost: $33.00)
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Intermediate/Advanced Tutorials:
How to Create Powerful Symptom Deprivations, Part 1:
10 detailed tips, with illustrated case examples and try-it-yourself exercises, on how to use this powerful experiential technique with your clients. (cost: $24)
Coherence Therapy and Memory Reconsolidation: Online 6-hour workshop seminar with Bruce Ecker, LMFT.
Includes numerous session videos of deep, intense, emotional work as well as PowerPoint slide PDF files.
(cost: $145 for individual license. 6 CEUs available for USA clinicians)
Click on Thumbnail for free preview:
Demonstration Sessions of Coherence Therapy:
Live demonstration session of Coherence Therapy plus a 60 day follow-up interview with the client — “Anxious in Front of Groups” — Niall Geoghegan, PsyD in live session with workshop volunteer. Includes entire session, follow up interview, and detailed annotated notes (cost: $29)
Set of four demonstrations of Coherence Therapy
dispelling chronic compulsive inaction at its roots
Actual therapy sessions by Bruce Ecker, LMFT and Sara Bridges PhD. For self-study, graduate classroom or clinical staff skill-building.
Client faces obscured in thumbnail. Only licensed clinicians and students practicing clinical psychology may view these sessions.
Live demonstration session of Coherence Therapy — “Compulsive Underachieving” — Bruce Ecker, LMFT with workshop volunteer. Includes viewer’s manual with transcripts, commentaries, and more.
(cost: $49 for Individual License)
“Always Ten Minutes Late — Procrastination As a Portal Into Insecure Attachment. With Bruce Ecker, LMFT. Includes viewer’s manual with transcripts, commentaries, and more.
(cost: $49 for Individual License)
The Black Hole of Nonexistence — Dispelling Complex Attachment Trauma with Memory Reconsolidation in Coherence Therapy. With Bruce Ecker, LMFT. Includes viewer’s manual with transcripts, commentaries, and more.
(cost: $65 for Individual License)
“Stuck in Depression — A Disabling Bereavement. With Bruce Ecker, LMFT. Includes viewer’s manual with transcripts, commentaries, and more.
(cost: $49 for Individual License)
“Down Every Year” — A man describes the annual depression that has mystified him for decades. With Bruce Ecker, LMFT. Includes viewer’s manual with transcripts, commentaries, and more.
(cost: $49 for Individual License)
Upcoming Live Training Events for Coherence Therapy:
The online tutorials on this site do not qualify you for Coherence Therapy certification and are not a substitute for the comprehensive in-person training offered by the Coherence Psychology Institute. See their schedule of upcoming trainings here: