Answers to “Intro to Coherence Therapy Part 4” Comprehension Check: 

1) “Integration brings newly discovered ‘pro-symptom’ knowings into everyday explicit awareness.”


2) “Integration and Juxtaposition never occur outside of the therapeutic session.”


EXPLANATION: The therapist gives a between session “cue card” at the end of every session, designed to facilitate integration and possibly also transformation during the time between sessions.

3) “Whereas the client begins therapy feeling powerless in the face of the presenting symptom, he or she shifts to feeling contentedly reliant on the therapist to remodel her assumptions.”


EXPLANATION: The client shifts from feeling powerless in the face of the presenting symptom at the beginning of therapy to recognizing his or her own unconscious agency in creating and maintaining the presenting symptom by the end of the process. 

4) “Transformation occurs when two incompatible “knowings” or experiences of reality are brought into awareness simultaneously, forcing the mind to assess which is more true and dissolving the other.”


EXPLANATION: Coherence Therapy maintains that the psyche contains a powerful inner “truth meter” that, when confronted with two incompatible realities, will assess which feels more true and expose the other as false.

5) “Transformation requires the client’s pro-symptom material to be fully accessed and held in mindful awareness alongside a vivid contradictory knowledge.”


EXPLANATIONS: Transformation occurs when the client is fully steeped in his/her expectation of how things are in the world, then is confronted with a piece of data that does not fit that expectation.

6) “Transformation is a counteractive process, bringing in external resources and new strategies to relieve and retrain the mind’s habitual patterning and cognitions.”


Transformation is not an effort to counteract the client’s worldview.  It is an opportunity for the client to notice that certain elements of his/her experience do not fit with a strongly held global schema.

7) “Between session tasks are used to...”

b) help the client stay in touch with the recently discovered pro-symptom knowing as it is evoked in daily life.

8) “CT clients come to recognize their agency in generating and maintaining the presenting symptom...”

a) as a logical way to achieve unconscious goals of safety and rightness in the world.

9) “The between-session index card is designed to…”

b) integrate newly discovered pro-symptom knowings into everyday awareness.

10) “The between-session index card is...”

c) best written in vivid, limbic, concise language.

11) “Spontaneous juxtaposition often occurs when…”

b) the therapist prompts the client to keep a new pro-symptom emotional truth in everyday awareness and the client notices that it isn’t as universally true as he/she had expected.

12) “A juxtaposition can be deliberately fostered by…”

Holding deeply-held emotional schemas alongside mismatching or incompatible lived experience.

Thanks for viewing the Coherence Therapy Introductory video Part Two!