Experiential Psychotherapy Institute in Podcasts!


Experiential-Psychotherapies.com has recently been featured in two of the psychotherapy world’s most respected podcasts: Shrink Rap Radio and The Science of Psychotherapy!

On December 15th, 2020, Editor-in-Chief Niall Geoghegan was interviewed by Richard Hill and Matthew Dahlitz for The Science of Psychotherapy.

On January 27th, 2021, he was interviewed by David Van Nuys of Shrink Rap Radio.

Both interviews cover a range of topics including the experiential process of Memory Reconsolidation, how to set up experiences that bring about profound transformational change, commonalities between the schools of experiential therapy featured on this site, and how we benefit from learning the techniques and thinking of different experiential schools.

Download and listen to the interviews here:

  1. Shrink Rap Radio Podcast

  2. The Science of Psychotherapy Podcast (The download icon for this one is a little square with an arrow pointing down into it. If you can’t find it just skip it and press play): .

  3. The Shrink Rap interview is also on YouTube.

Please listen and share with colleagues and students who could benefit!

  • Niall Geoghegan, Psy.D. and the team of the Experiential Psychotherapy Institute